All in Cancer

June Scans

We went in for Carey’s scans yesterday.  Unfortunately, it was more difficult of a day than we were expecting.  Even though we are constantly trying to prepare ourselves, this kind of news still hits like a ton of bricks.  In short, Carey’s cancer is progressing aggressively and is now starting to affect some vital organs.

Clinical Trial and Family Update

About a month ago now, Carey stopped the clinical trial drug.  It was making him too sick, and it became very difficult for him to live the life that he wants to live.  It was an incredibly tough decision that came after lots of time, prayer, tears, counsel and mixed emotions. 

Clinical Trial Update

I apologize for not putting out an update in a while – life has been busy!  But we just received the report from Carey’s latest scans and things are moving along well.  He’s been participating in the clinical trial now for about six weeks and there has been little to no change... stable!  The targeted therapy is doing exactly what it’s supposed to: stop the cancer in it’s tracks and keep it at bay for as long as possible.

Clinical Trial

Most of you all have probably heard the results from Carey’s latest scans.  The cancer has spread to his lungs and lymph nodes so he now qualifies to enter a clinical trial.  We are thankful that the timing worked out just right that he can participate in this trial before it filled up because it’s a targeted therapy drug – which is something we were hoping for. 

One Year

We’re approaching the one-year anniversary of Carey’s diagnosis.  His primary tumor was seen for the first time on scans August 6th.    

Everything about those first few weeks is a messy blur.  But I do remember two specific moments very clearly. 

A New Path

If you’ve been following Carey’s progress in the last month or two than you already know that the chemo has come with some scary side effects lately. He’s been admitted to the hospital several times.  It’s reached a point where it’s simply too dangerous for him to continue receiving this chemo treatment. 

Cycle 9

Another cycle under our belt – it’s a great feeling!  The new anti-nausea meds they started Carey on last cycle are again working wonders.  While he still feels very fatigued and yucky, he isn’t getting sick and that’s such a relief. 

Cycle 8

Nothing but more wonderful news to share!  Carey is handling this cycle better than any of his previous ones - he still feels crappy, but it’s manageable.