Clinical Trial Update — Stewarding Hope
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Clinical Trial Update

Clinical Trial Update

I apologize for not putting out an update in a while – life has been busy!  But we just received the report from Carey’s latest scans and things are moving along well.  He’s been participating in the clinical trial now for about six weeks and there has been little to no change... stable!  The targeted therapy is doing exactly what it’s supposed to: stop the cancer in it’s tracks and keep it at bay for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t come without some crappy side effects.  Loss of appetite, fatigue, and nausea are the main discomforts, but we’re hoping that with time and adjustment these things will become more manageable.   

As for a family update, Carey just started a job with the North Carolina Autism Society!  He’ll be working to help families in our local area adjust to the unique challenges of life with a child on the autism spectrum.  The Autism Society is a wonderful resource to many people, and Carey is excited to be a part of such an important team. 

Currently, I’m at home with the boys trying to raise them up to be good little men!  We have fun coloring, building with legos, reading, running around outside, and anything else that helps them learn and drain their endless energy =)  Eli is going through a ‘Cars’ phase so I hear lots of chatter about Lightning McQueen and Mater.  Carver is growing up too fast - learning lots of new words and trying to keep up with his big bro.

With Carey feeling better we’ve started getting involved with our church and meeting all kinds of wonderful people.  They have been nothing short of amazing!  This is a HUGE answer to prayer for us as we moved up here a little over a year ago now with no family or friends in the local area.  We are so blessed to now have a whole church family who we love dearly.  God continues to take care of us – meeting our every need while growing our ability to fully trust in Him!

In Genesis we have recently read about people like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham who “walked faithfully with God”.  That’s our goal in a nutshell.  Through the good, the pain, the uncertainty, and everything else in between to walk faithfully with our God.  

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall season!  It’s our favorite time of the year!  Below are some pics of the boys from Halloween… they were quite the pair  =)

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Clinical Trial

Clinical Trial